Ikerbasque research professor at Achucarro.
Research line:
The signaling flow and regulatory relationship within and between brain cells and peripheral organs that underlie the maintenance of physiological and pathological homeostatic conditions with particular emphasis on metabolic disorders, reproduction, neurodegeneration, aging and higher brain functions.Outstanding Graduate Research Award; University of Veterinary Sciences, Budapest, Hungary (1989); James Hudson Brown-Alexander B. Coxe Fellowship (1994); The Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Fellowship (by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Hungary, 2002); BBVA Chair in Biomedicine, The Cajal Institute, Madrid Spain (2008-2009); Master of Art Privatim (Honorary Degree from Yale University; 2008); Alexander von Humboldt Professorship by the Ministry of Science of the Republic of Germany, 2008 (returned); The NIH Director’s Pioneer Award (2010); The Ernst Oppenheimer Award from the Endocrine Society (2012); Honorary Doctorate, Szent Istvan University, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, Budapest, Hungary (2013); Hans Fisher Senior Fellow, Technical University of Munich, Germany (2014-17); Outstanding Scientific Achievement Award from the American Diabetes Association (2016); Britton Chance Memorial Award and Lecture (2017).
Yale University School of Medicine (USA); The Cajal Institute (Spain); Technical University of Munich and the Helmholtz Center for Diabetes (Germany); Monash University (Australia).
Ph.D. in Biology (2000) at the University of Szeged, Hungary.