
Next H2020 infoday: ERC 2019



El próximo 5 de junio, miércoles, el Gobierno Vasco, UPV/EHU e Ikerbasque organizamos una Jornada sobre el programa de financiación a la investigación de excelencia del European Research Council (ERC) para el año 2020.

The Basque Government, the University of the Basque Country and Ikerbasque organize next 5th of June an InfoDay about the H2020 European Research Council (ERC) programme.

This program aims to fund long-term projects of excellent researchers and their research teams, in order to carry out a novel and potentially very profitable research, reinforcing the excellence, dynamism and creativity of European research.

The infoday will be directed both to scientists and managers of the Basque Research System. It will be held in the headquarters of Ikerbasque, in Maria Diaz de Haro 3 (Bilbao). The agenda of the event will be the next one:


10:00 Welcome  
10:10 ERC 2020 Call: Starting, Consolidator y Advanced Grants
Nicolas Ojeda ERC National Contact Point
11:00 Round table to talk about personal experience of an ERC evaluator and an ERC successful candidate:
- Francesca Tinti: Ikerbasque researcher at UPV/EHU. ERC evaluator.
- Ion Errea: ERC researcher at UPV/EHU.
12:00 Coffee  
12:30 Interviews with the National Contact Point aimed at researchers who are working on a proposal and who want to apply for an ERC Grant in centers of the Basque Country.
Interested candidates must request an appointment and send us documentation about their proposal before june 30th.

To attend this session, please confirm your assistance to In case you wanted to have a meeting with the NCP, please send us documentation about your project before June 30.

For more information about ERC grants: