
Infoday: Social and Political impact of Science


On February 13, an Infoday on the Social and Political Impact of Science was organized by the Basque Government and Ikerbasque.

The day included a presentation by José Ramón Flecha on the evaluation and monitoring of the...

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Listening without sounds and through lip reading


What happens in our brain when we see someone talking but we don't listen to her/him? What causes lip reading in our brain activity? Scientific studies of the late 90s state that reading lips silently activates auditory cortices. However, scientists did not know until now what...

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New opportunities for the design of more efficient solar cells


Singlet fission - the generation of two excited states from one of greater energy - has become a promising strategy to prevent the loss of energy in solar cells.

Singlet fission is a process that has been observed with efficiencies close to 200% in...

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Life after death (of neurons)


An international study led by Ikerbasque researchers of Achucarro and the UPV/EHU demonstrates that the microglia acts as a sensor of death of newborn cells, contributing to the balance between life and death.

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The first intrinsic magnetic topological insulator discovered


Materials called topological insulators are those that do not let the electric current in its volume, but on its surface. Unlike the usual conductors, that is, metals, the current circulating on the surface of a topological insulator does not suffer any loss of energy.

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